Thursday, December 7, 2023

Illustrator Final

Pick 1 of the following (Business, Cartoon, Team/Club) to create for your final project in Illustrator.



This could be an existing business (family owned, summer job) or one that is completely made up. For the business you will need to create...

- Logo (New)
- Building
- Product Example (What do you make?)


This is a cartoon that you create. For the cartoon you will need to include...

- Logo
- Characters (5+)
- Story Board/Comic Strip (Example)

Team/Club (New or redesign)

This could be a team/club you are involved in or your favorite college or professional team. For this option you will need to create...

- Logo
- Stadium
- Jerseys


- Layers
- Live Paint Bucket
- Pen Tool (Fill/Stroke)
- Perspective Grid

Student Examples...

Austin Harper - Squids FC

Team Logo

Monday, November 27, 2023

Symmetry Illustration

Symmetry design

- Using the pen tool, only create half of your illustration
- Select all > Object > Transform > Reflect
- Think details, shape, background

Caleb Bol

Siggi Eggertsson

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Illustrator: Blob Brush Tool & Live Paint Bucket Reminders

Today is a work day with the blob brush in Illustrator...


The Blob Brush can be found here on the menu bar...

You can change the size or type of brush on the "Properties" tab

Clicking the "brush libraries menu" will give you a ton of options

Throw a picture(s) in Illustrator to work over top of! (Go Green!)

Finally, use the "Live Paint Bucket" to color your illustration!

Here are some videos that can help too!